вторник, 29 мая 2012 г.

Learn proverbs and idioms

1. Countries and cities .
Match the idiom with its meaning .
  1. So many countries , so many customs.
  2. Rome wasn’t built in a day .
  3. Dutch courage .
  4. To take French leave .
  5. To beat the Dutch.
  6. To send to Coventry.
  7. To grin like a Cheshire cat.
  1. игнорировать , послать подальше.
  2. сколько стран, столько и обычаев. Что город – то норов.
  3. минутное мужество.
  4. превзойти все ожидания.
  5. не сразу Москва строилась.
  6. улыбаться во весь рот , ухмыляться.
  7. уйти не прощаясь.
2. Friends.
Read the proverb and give its equivalent.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
1. Match the English proverb with its Russian equivalent .
  1. Like father, like son.
  2. Handsome is as handsome does.
  3. Every dog has his day.
  4. Appearances are deceptive
  1. человека дела красят.
  2. будет и на нашей улице праздник.
  3. яблоко от яблони недалеко падает.
  4. внешность обманчива.
1. Everyday life.
Read and translate the proverbs and give their Russian equivalents.
  1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
  2. The early bird catches a worm.
2. School
Match the proverb with its meaning .
  1. Live and learn.
  2. To play truant.
  1. прогуливать занятия.
  2. век живи, век учись.
Read and translate the proverbs and give their Russian equivalents.
  1. Every man is for his trade.
  2. Jack of all Trades.
Houses and furniture.
Read and translate the proverbs and give their Russian equivalents.
  1. There is no place like home.
  2. East or West home is best.
  3. My home is my castle.
  4. There is no smoke without fire.
  5. To play with fire.
  6. Walls have ears.
  7. Everyone has a skeleton in the cupboard.
1. Star signs and characters.
Read and complete the unfinished Russian proverbs and idioms , match them with English equivalents
  1. Сколько голов столько -________________________
  2. Удача сопутствует - _____________________
  3. Ни рыба ,ни мясо -______________________
  4. В тихом омуте черти -____________________
  5. Крепкий орешек
  1. Fortune favours the brave.
  2. Neither fish ,nor flesh.
  3. A hard nut to crack.
  4. so many men ,so many minds.
  5. Still waters run deep.
2. Food.
Match the English proverb with its Russian equivalent .Find an extra proverb and explain it.
  1. Never fry a fish till it is caught
  2. To play a good knife and Fork.
  3. Quick at meat , quick at work.
  4. Hot and hot.
  5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  6. Forbidden fruit is sweet.
  7. Tastes differ.
  1. С пылу с жару.
  2. Уплетать за обе щеки.
  3. Не дели шкуру неубитого медведя.
  4. Запретный плод сладок.
  5. Кто хорошо ест , тот хорошо работает.
  6. О вкусах не спорят.
3. Find the idioms in the following sentences and explain them.
  1. Anyone can do yoga , it’s a piece of cake.
  2. My mouth is watering when smell an apple pie.
  3. A “jacket potato” is easy to cook.
  4. He’s a real “couch potato” never goes out.
  5. This song is popular ,but it isn’t my cup of tea.
1. Weather
1. Which of the following proverbs matches the Russian proverb “льет дождь , как из ведра “.
  1. Rain at seven fine at eleven.
  2. It’s raining cats and dogs.
  3. A sunshine shower won’t last an hour.
  4. Everything is good in its season.
  5. Other countries have climate but England has weather.
2. Say how you understand four other English proverbs .
2. Clothes.
1. Match the English proverb with its Russian equivalent.
  1. Clothes make a man.
  2. There is no bad weather there are bad clothes.
  3. They are hand glove.
  1. Нет плохой погоды , есть неподходящая одежда.
  2. Их водой не разольешь.
  3. Встречают по одежке.
2. Read and translate the proverb and give its Russian equivalents.
Better late than never but better never late.
1. Famous people.
Match the English proverbs with their Russian equivalents .
  1. God helps them that help themselves.
  2. Practice makes perfect.
  3. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
  4. Fortune favours the brave.
  5. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
  6. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
  7. Nothing venture, nothing have.
  1. Родиться в рубашке.
  2. Волков бояться ,в лес не ходить.
  3. Удача сопутствует смелым.
  4. На бога надейся, а сам не плошай.
2. Say how you understand three other English proverbs .
1.Match the English proverbs with their Russian equivalents . Find an extra proverb and explain it.
  1. If run after two hares you will catch none.
  2. When the cat is away the mice will play.
  3. Like a cat on hot bricks.
  4. An old bird.
  5. Crocodile tears.
  6. To buy a pig in a poke.
  1. Купить кота в мешке.
  2. Крокодиловы слезы
  3. За двумя зайцами погонишься ни одного не поймаешь.
  4. Стреляный воробей.
  5. Быть как на иголках.
2. Find the “colour” idioms in the following sentences and explain them.
  1. Everyone in the class works hard but Tom is a black sheep here.
  2. A day seems sunny and hot so we need an umbrella as white elephant today.
  3. Nobody knows him well enough so he’s a dark horse here.
1. Sport.
1.Match the English proverbs with their Russian equivalents . Find an extra proverb and explain it.
  1. To have a ball.
  2. To have a ball at his feet.
  3. To keep the ball rolling.
  4. The ball is in your court.
  5. To play safe.
  6. To play tricks.
  7. Sink or swim.
  1. Действовать наверняка.
  2. Поддерживать беседу.
  3. Бездельничать.
  4. Быть хозяином положения.
  5. Ваша очередь действовать.
  6. Откалывать штуки.
UNIT 10.
1. Customs.
1.Match the English proverbs with their Russian equivalents . Find an extra proverb and explain it.
  1. So many countries so many customs.
  2. Custom is a second nature.
  3. If you dance you must pay the fiddler.
  4. If you don’t think about the future you cannot have one.
  1. Любишь кататься – люби и саночки возить.
  2. Нет будущего у того , кто о нем не думает.
  3. Привычка – вторая натура.
2. Degrees of comparisons.
Give Russian equivalents to the proverbs.
  1. As strong as an ox.
  2. As fresh as a cucumber.
  3. As strong as nails.
  4. As busy as a bee.
  5. As hungry as a hunter.
  6. As old as the sea.
  7. As quiet as a lamb.
  8. As silent as a mouse.
  9. As hungry as a hawk.
  10. As slow as a snail.
  11. Like teacher ,like pupil.
3. People in animals’ faces.
Find the idioms in the following sentences and explain them.
  1. He hasn’t got any friends. He’s a bit of alone wolf.
  2. His boss seems nervous, I think he’s just a cold fish.
  3. They’re discussing the results of our tests now. How I’d love to be a fly on the wall.
  4. I like spending evenings at home . mum calls me a home bird.
  5. She ‘s a lazy lizard , never helps about the house.
  6. He goes out every evening , he’s a real party animal.
  7. I always have butterflies in my stomach just before the exam.
  8. The dinner was so delicious that I made a real pig of myself.
  9. My sister never has a spare minute at home , she’s a real busy bee.
  10. Bill’s really got the travel bug ever since he bought the tickets to the holiday.
  11. I have so much work to do before Christmas, but I’m just chasing my tail trying to catch up.

Звіт тижня англійської мови в Ганнівській ЗОШ I-III ступенів

Тиждень англійської мови у школі пройшов з 16 по 20 січня 2012 року. Тиждень розпочався з виступу учнів на лінійці, де було оголошено план проведення заходів протягом тижня. Також, в понеділок відбулася подорож у «Країну англійської мови» для учнів 3-4 класів. У вівторок пройшло змагання «Proverbs and Idioms» для 10-11 класів. В середу проходили два заходи: брейн-ринг «Across the Books by the British Writers» у 5 класі та гра «What?Where?When?» у 8 класі. У четвер відбулися «Brain-Ring» серед учнів 6-7 класів і змагання «Knowledge is Power» у 9 класі. Завершився предметний тиждень конкурсом плакатів «New Year's Holidays» та проведення лінійки-закриття, були підведені підсумки тижня, відзначені кращі учні, які приймали активну участь. Тиждень показав, що діти гарно орієнтуються в культурі, побуті, звичаях та традиціях англомовних країн, мають достатній словниковий запас, цікавляться та читають додаткову літературу, охоче приймають участь у запропонованих заходах. Особливо слід відзначити таких учнів: Телько Маргарита, Сидор Тетяна, Дрозд Сергій (6 клас),Кулик Настя, Шнуренко Катя (7 клас); Чертов Микола, Коненко Юлія, Терещенко Ілля (5 клас); Антонова Ілона, Лапко Таня(11 клас).
Сподіваємось, що в наступному році в тижні англійської мови приймуть участь більша кількість учнів!

Brain-Ring "Across the Books by British Writers"

Ход урока
1. Начало конкурсной программы. Представление жюри.
2. Meeting the teams. Представление команд.
We are team … . My name is … I like … books. My favourite writer is …
3. Warm-up. Разминка
Find the words in this word search.
Answers: play, detective, story, book, novel, science, adventure; author, fiction, fairy tale, poem. 12 words (count each word)
4. Speed Quiz “British Writers”
In turns name British writers. Let’s see who knows more. The winner gets 3 points, the second team – 2 points, the third team – 1 point.
Подведение итогов конкурса “Разминка”
5. Writers Quiz. Викторина о писателях.
Look at the photos of 5 British writers. Listen to the questions and choose the name of the writer. The photos: A. Christie, R.L. Stevenson, J.K. Rowling, R. Kipling, W. Shakespeare.
  1. She is called the queen of a detective novel. She wrote 68 novels and some plays. (A. Christie)
  2. This English writer is famous for his plays, poems and sonnets. (W. Shakespeare)
  3. This writer spent his childhood in India and his famous book is about this country. (R. Kipling)
  4. This author became famous very quickly. The story about a boy-magician is called the best-seller of children literature. (J.K. Rowling)
Подведение итогов конкурсов
6. Books by British Writers. Произведения британских писателей
Translate the names of the books by famous British writers.
  1. “Treasure Island”
  2. “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”
  3. “The House At Pooh Corner “
  4. “The Jungle Book”
  5. “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”
  6. ‘Harry Potter and the Secret Room”
  7. “The Lord of the Rings”
  8. “Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”
  9. “Ten Little Negroes”
  10. “Romeo and Juliet”
Match the names of the books with the names of their authors.
  1. “Treasure Island”
  2. “Alice in Wonderland”
  3. “A House “
  4. “The Jungle Book”
  5. “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”
  6. ‘Harry Potter and the Secret Room”
  7. “The Lord of the Rings”
  8. “ Robinson Crusoe”
  9. “Ten Little Negroes”
  10. “Romeo and Juliet”
  1. A.C. Doyle
  2. R. Kipling
  3. L. Carroll
  4. J.R.R. Tolkien
  5. A.A. Milne
  6. D. Defoe
  7. R.L. Stevenson
  8. W. Shakespeare
  9. A. Christie
  10. J.K. Rowling
Answers: 1)g, 2)c, 3)e, 4)b, 5)a, 6)j, 7)d, 8)f, 9)i, 10)h
7. Guess the Character of the Book. Герои книг.
Each team chooses a card with the description of a book character. They read and guess it. Extra points are for the name of the book and the author.
Card 1. This girl is fond of different stories and adventures. One day she got in an unusual world where everything is strange. She became smaller and bigger. She met a rabbit, a cat and even two queens. (Alice from “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by L.Carroll)
Card 2. This boy didn’t have a usual family. But he had true friends among animals. He was strong and brave. He was not afraid of wild animals. He could fight even with tigers.
(Maugly from “The Jungle Book” by R. Kipling)
Card 3. This man is a real Englishman. He likes music and he can play the violin. He is very intelligent and he likes to solve riddles and secrets. Many people ask him for help. (Sherlock Holmes from “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” by A.C. Doyle)
Подведение итогов предыдущих конкурсов
8. The Wise Contest. Конкурс знатоков.
We invite the wisest contestants of each team. We hope you know a lot about British literature. Listen to the questions and try to answer them.
  1. L. Carroll is famous for his books. But where did he work? What was his job? (a Maths teacher)
  2. What holiday do people in Stratford-upon-Avon celebrate on 23 April? (Shakespeare’s birthday)
  3. How many years did Robinson spend on his island? (28 years)
  4. What is the name of the third book about Harry Potter? (Harry Porter and Askaban’s Prisoner)
  5. What was written on Winnie Pooh’s House? (Посторонним в…;)
  6. Whose real name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgeons? (L.Karroll)
9. Spectators’ contest
I’m going to tell you the names of the writers. You will tell me their surnames.
  1. Arthur Conan ……. Doyle; 5) Daniel ………….. Defoe;
  2. Joseph Rudyard……… Kipling; 6) Robert Lewes……….. Stevenson;
  3. Lewes…………….. Carroll; 7) William…………… Shakespeare;
  4. Alan Alexander…………… Milne; 8) Joanne Kathleen …………..Rowling.
10. Подведение итогов конкурса. Вручение грамот и сертификатов.